First Trentino Local Council meeting

Autonomus Province of Trento Via Romagnosi, 9, Trento, Italy, Italy

The firs Trentino case study consultation will take place at the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT) headquarters. The case study leader PAT, jointly with the case study supporter Bruno Kessler Foundation, will present the NEVERMORE project and the challenges of the Trentino region to the members of the Local Council, who will discuss the next …

Second Project Transnational Meeting

Sitia Municipality Sitia, Greece

The consortium of the NEVERMORE project will meet in Sitia Municipality premises to discuss what has been done in the first year of the project and agree the next steps. It will also constitute an occasion to visit the Sitia Island case study lead by the Sitia Municipality and supported by NCSRD Demokritos.

First Transnational Council consultation

Sitia Municipality Sitia, Greece

Stakeholder representatives from the case studies and high-level experts from different fields and organisations will meet in the first hybrid Transnational Council the 7 of June 2023. The first meeting will be devoted to getting acquainted with both the project and the other members of the board.